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baby in rose pink onesie is laying on their belly. in the forfront are two baby bottles with breast milk. one bottle has colostrum.

Lactation Guide for Beginners

Lactation, body feeding, or breastfeeding may be natural, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Whether you are or not, your baby is a lactation beginner! It will probably take time and a lot of practice for you both to get the hang of nursing after birth. Body feeding can represent food sovereignty,

body sovereignty, and the healing of the next generation. Download our lactation guide for beginners,
a BIPOC & LGBTQ+ friendly booklet.

Natural Cleaning Products

Recommended Alternatives for Household Endocrine Disruptors

The endocrine system is a series of glands that produce and secrete hormones that the body uses for a wide range of functions. Xenoestrogens are harmful artificial estrogens, substances that are close enough in molecular structure to estrogen that they can bind to estrogen receptor sites with potentially hazardous outcomes. One thing that can happen is disruption to your endocrine system, increasing symptoms of PCOS, hyper/hypothyroidism, and diabetes. Download our guide recommended alternatives to household endocrine disruptors (with commercial & Black-owned options).


Jewish Herbalism Resource Guide


Download our Jewish Herbalism Resource guide to learn more about plant, herbal, and amulet traditions and uses in

Jewish communities.

photos of lots of kosher dill pickles
photo of round stacked taino cakes called casabe

Ancestral Food Traditions Pyramid (Taíno Sample &
Blank Template)

This pyramid was made to deconstruct the layers of ancestral food traditions and systems. This graphic is a tool to visualize how modern Western relationships to plant and food production tend to focus on just the tip of the pyramid: consumption, or eating. Many of our ancestral food traditions and systems include elements from teachings to toolmaking to preserving to shape relationships to plants and food. Download our ancestral food traditions pyramid and use a tool to deconstruct your own ancestral food traditions and systems.

Ancestral Food Traditions Pyramid (Jewish Diasporas Samples & Blank Template)

This pyramid was made to deconstruct the layers of ancestral food traditions and systems. This graphic is a tool to visualize how modern Western relationships to plant and food production tend to focus on just the tip of the pyramid: consumption, or eating. Many of our ancestral food traditions and systems include elements from teachings to toolmaking to preserving to shape relationships to plants and food. Download our ancestral food traditions pyramids and use a tool to deconstruct your own ancestral food traditions and systems.

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